Has the combination of elegance, romanticism and bravado that characterized the French lover become a myth?
B&Bs in the trees: the true height of luxury is a chance to sleep in a tree, close to the stars.
A Paris neighborhood filled with unique boutiques.
A delicious salad that pairs ripe berries and melons with luscious olive oil and unique purple basil vinegar.
Surprising as it may seem, the small and very delightful Provençal town of L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue is considered the third most important...
The Cité Episcopale of Albi, in southwest France, and the central mountain zone of Réunion National Park on the island...
Like fine wines, olive oils also have their own individual characteristics, thanks to their terroir.
Stocked floor to ceiling with intriguing cookware, Dehillerin appears little changed since it opened in 1820.
One summer day in 1990, Jean-Paul Claverie, an adviser to France’s then Minister of Culture Jack Lang, met Bernard Arnault,...
The home of the multi-talented Jean Cocteau offers visitors a glimpse into the artist's life and career.
L’Objet Qui Parle, on the rue des Martyrs, is a tiny shop but a major trendsetter. Hip interior designers looking for...
Packed with discerning book editors and senators at noon—the Luxembourg gardens and the French Sénat are just across the street—and...
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