The French-American Foundation reviews what’s happened in France this week. Monday, May 10 marked the 162nd anniversary of the abolishment...
It's up there on the list of dreams for many, but is renovating a house in France worth weathering the months of work and worry?
A retrospective of the long career of the 88-year-old English artist at the Centre Pompidou.
At the National Museum of Women in the Arts on May 27th.
A retrospective show starring the pioneer gallery's A-list
A name that sets worldwide connoisseurs of great wine to dreaming.
The story of Irène Némirovsky’s literary success is at once tragic and inspiring. Born in Kiev in 1903, she is...
A top buy published to coincide with the YSL retrospective exhibit at the Petit Palais.
A little piece of paradise that strayed to sea.
Still among Paris's leading visionaries.
Black carpet looks When Serge Cajfinger launched French fashion label Paule Ka in 1987 he said he based his designs on...
Alber Elbaz has put his talent for witty doodling to good use, creating two stamps for the French post office.
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