New York: Graphic Novels from Europe
To mark its fifth anniversary in style and with a dash of fun, the New Literature from Europe series will celebrate graphic novels this year. The Graphic Novels from Europe festival will take place from November 17-21 with seven of Europe’s most famous contemporary graphic novelists (David B., Nicolas de Crécy, Igort, Jaromír 99, Isabel Kreitz, Max and Jaroslav Rudiš), who will participate in a series of free events throughout New York City. The five-day festival will include discussions, book signings and an exhibit of 60 panels at the French Cultural Services (please find the full list of events in the table below). Several venues will be involved, including the recently renovated Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art (MoCCA) and the School of Visual Arts.
November 19 -December 12
12pm – 5pm
Exhibition of works by all the authors: Graphic Novels from Europe
Cultural Services of the French Embassy
972 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY
Tel: (212) 439 1400
November 21 -December 19
Exhibition of the two Czech authors Alois Nebel-My Life
Prague Kolektiv
143 Front Street, Brooklyn, NY
Tel: (718) 260 8013
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