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In a world where AI is becoming increasingly prevalent, it’s more important than ever to support independent journalism and real writers. At France Today, we are dedicated to providing you with authentic, engaging, and informative content about all things French.

We believe in the power of human storytelling and the unique perspectives that only real writers can offer. By becoming a France Today Member, you not only gain access to our exclusive content, but you also become a part of a community that values the art of storytelling and the preservation of cultural heritage.

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Our team of talented writers, photographers, and travellers are passionate about sharing their love for France with you. By becoming a Member, you support their work and ensure that their voices continue to be heard.

From travel tips and cultural insights to news and current events, our articles provide you with a comprehensive understanding of all things French. We go beyond the surface to bring you the stories that matter.

As a Member, you’ll enjoy access to special offers, discounts, and events. You’ll receive a monthly newsletter from myself, guided video tours from across France and you’ll be the first to hear about our live events.

Your support allows us to continue producing the content you love while maintaining our commitment to quality and authenticity. Thank you!


What’s included with membership

✅ Free entry to FT Live events

✅ Full access to our video collection of past events

✅ Exclusive long-form and interactive FT Stories 

✅ Digital edition of FT magazine & back issues library

✅ Special members-only monthly newsletter

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Terms and Conditions:

Auto-Renewal: Your membership will automatically renew based on the selected term: one month, six months, or one year. At the end of each term, your membership will be automatically renewed for the same term using the payment method provided unless you choose to cancel. To cancel your auto-renew please send an email to [email protected].

Cancellation of your Membership: You can cancel a membership up to 48 hours after signing up to membership or after automatic renewal of membership. You can contact us ahead of your renewal to cancel your upcoming membership. To cancel, please email [email protected]. Refunds will be actioned within 5 working days of cancellation using the original payment method and will show back in your bank 5-10 days later.

Changes to Membership Terms: We reserve the right to modify these membership terms. Any changes will be communicated to you via email or on our website.

Contact Information: For any questions, concerns, or cancellation requests, please contact our support team at [email protected].