Daisy de Plume
In 2012 Daisy de Plume started THATMuse, a company running themed Treasure Hunts at the Museum (what it stands for), which now has 25 themes across Paris (the Louvre, Musée d’Orsay, Streets of Paris), London (British Museum, Victoria & Albert & The Natural History Museum) and imminently Italy (the Uffizi, Vatican, and streets of Rome, where she went to boarding school). THATMuse also blogs and vlogs on Instagram about art history, museums and travel for those who can't travel or are researching their bucketlist trips to European capitals), as well as posting #THATMuseFacts on Twitter and Facebook with daily museum and art trivia. A native New Yorker & Conde Nast Traveller contributor who moved to Paris in 2004, she and her Argentine husband have two culturally-confused, trilingual sons, Storsh and Balthazar.