French Film Review: Je Verrai Toujours Vos Visages
Nominated for nine awards including best film at this year’s Césars, this movie explores the world of Restorative Justice, which, since 2014 in France, has offered victims and perpetrators the chance to meet in safe settings, supervised by professionals. Here we meet a group of volunteers, convicted robbers, homejacking victims and a victim of rape, all of whom are committed to using the Restorative Justice system. Along the way, there is anger and hope, silence and words, alliances and heartbreaks, breakthroughs and newfound confidence… And sometimes, this brave and difficult road leads to a place of healing. Thought-provoking stuff.
Director: Jeanne Herry
Starring: Birane Ba, Leïla Bekhti, Dali Benssalah
From France Today Magazine
Lead photo credit : je-verrai-toujours-vos-visages
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