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Making a beeline for Nausicaá, Boulogne’s aquatic showstopper, Rhiannon Rees ends up discovering a deeply historic area tied to Britain...
Nadia Jordan met a brave band of veterans who embarked on the cross-mountain challenge of a lifetime This is the...
Even without taking its overseas territories into account, France has a number of interesting islands that are well worth venturing out to. Tristan Rutherford...
Brittany is the land of terre et mer, land and sea, green and blue. Whether you want to explore and try...
Brittany is extremely popular with walkers and hikers and has more walking trails than any other part of France. There...
France is a huge country, many times bigger than each individual part of the UK, and as a result it is sometimes difficult...
France has four départements, two territories and five collectivités territoires overseas, in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Here’s why you...
In France, people often say, everything ends up as a song. In the 1950s, while Edith Piaf was warbling about...
The old haunt of Marcel Proust and Marguerite Duras, this elegant resort town is famed for its spa waters.
“When your eyes first fall upon the Mediterranean you know at once why it was here that man first stood...
It’s been almost four months since the Hermione first set sail from Rochefort. The beautiful frigate—a replica of the ship...
Few cities in the world are on par with Paris for anyone who loves seafood, since its best fish houses...