Film Review: La Gloire de Mon Père
Set in the years leading up to the First World War, this 1990 movie, based on the 1957 autobiographical novel by Marcel Pagnol, follows young Marcel and his teacher father, Joseph, and dressmaker mother Augustine.
The family spend the summer in rural Provence with Marcel’s maternal aunt, Rose, and her pious husband, Jules. Jules and Joseph come to blows over topics such as religion and hunting while young Marcel makes a new friend in Lili and together they embark on a summer of adventures. Beautifully directed with fantastic performances, it’s a sumptuous ode to childhood innocence, Provence and the years before the Great War.
Director: Yves Robert
Starring: Philippe Caubère, Nathalie Roussel
From France Today magazine
Lead photo credit : La Gloire de Mon Père follows young Marcel and his family
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