École internationale de boulangerie: The Students Using Their Loaf

École internationale de boulangerie: The Students Using Their Loaf

Near Sisteron, in the remote Jabron valley, Thomas Teffri-Chambelland runs the École internationale de boulangerie, a unique bakery school. Patrice Bertrand finds out more.

“This isn’t just an educational centre perched in the mountains. It’s also a school connected to the real bakery market. One of our objectives is enhancing the bakery profession,” explains Thomas Teffri-Chambelland, a former biologist who successfully transitioned to baking: today he owns several bakeries in France, and is a founder of Chambelland, a gluten-free bakery that supplies the most prestigious restaurants in Paris.

But one of his proudest achievements is the creation of the École internationale de boulangerie (EIDB), a one-of-a-kind establishment located since 2015 in the Jabron valley, 90 minutes from Aix-en-Provence. It’s the only bakery school in Europe that delivers a government-approved diploma specifically in organic and sourdough breadmaking.

“Our students, between 30 and 50 years old, have advanced degrees and good jobs. But for them, those jobs didn’t make sense any more,” says Thomas, 46. “By becoming bakers, they dream of saying to themselves: ‘I get up in the morning, I make bread, I sell it to my customers; they’re happy, as am I.’ That’s why they’re here.”

To access EIDB, in the hamlet of Saint-Martin where Thomas and his family live, you must take a steep back road facing the immense Mountain of Lure.

Noyers sur Jabron

Noyers sur Jabron. © Thibaut Vergoz

Each year in these isolated heights, the school trains some 40 men and women, often lawyers, engineers, or computer scientists determined to change their lives, to become bakers and entrepreneurs. Eleven students per session, supervised by four instructors, undergo nine weeks of intensive classes, and six weeks of internships. They all share a goal: to open their own organic bakery.


Antoine Pascalis, a dynamic man in his 30s wearing a white baker’s cap, is one of them. He’s from a family of bakers in the Drôme and, after a career in the finance and energy sectors, decided to return to baking.

“I came here because I didn’t want to go to a conventional trade school. At first, I found this place isolated, but soon, I realised this landscape and solitude allowed for real contemplation. Because of the work I do here and at the internships, my initial projects have been completely transformed, and for the better. It is an extremely rich education.”

Thanks to its stone mill, the school produces about half the flour it consumes. The trainees are housed in surrounding villages or Sisteron. The breads and viennoiseries from EIDB ovens are given to local charities or schools. Of course, the breads are made with natural sourdough.

The students create organic breads and pastries at Thomas Teffri Chambelland’s schoo

The students create pastries at Thomas Teffri-Chambelland’s school. © Thibaut Vergoz

“Natural sourdough, a fermentation of flour and water, has many nutritional properties including better mineral assimilation,” explains Thomas, who is also a consultant for London’s E5 Bakehouse. “Sourdough lowers the glycemic index of bread, which allows a slow assimilation of sugars in the starch and reduces, for instance, weight gain. We obtain more aromatic breads with longer conservation.”

Thomas Teffri-Chambelland

Thomas Teffri-Chambelland. © Thibaut Vergoz

So far, the school, which welcomes international students and offers introductory and advanced workshops, is a total success: it’s booked up until the end of 2022. Will Thomas expand? “Probably not. We prefer to keep a high level of quality and supervision.”

For more information visit www.ecoleinternationaledeboulangerie.fr

From France Today magazine

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More in boulangerie, bread making, cooking school, ecole, Jabron valley, Sisteron

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A former foreign correspondent in the United States for leading French newspapers, Patrice is currently based in the south of France where he writes for various magazines.

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  •  Fanny Telmosse
    2024-11-18 06:33:35
    Fanny Telmosse
    Objet : Proposition d'ateliers d’initiation à la langue Française pour vos étudiants internationaux Madame, Monsieur, Je me permets de vous contacter afin de vous proposer une offre d'ateliers de Français destinés à vos élèves internationaux avant leur arrivée dans votre établissement. Je suis une enseignante de Français langue étrangère certifiée vivant à Calgary au Canada et je constate que nombreux sont les élèves qui me contacte car ils ont le projet de venir étudier en France. Je souhaite proposer des séances en ligne qui réunissent vos futurs élèves pour les aider à se familiariser avec la langue et la culture françaises dans un cadre convivial et structuré. Ainsi, ils se sentiront plus à l'aise dans leurs futures interactions quotidiennes et auront une première approche de la culture française. Je serais ravie de discuter de la manière dont vous pourriez communiquer mon offre et d’une collaboration pour soutenir vos étudiants dans leur parcours. Dans l’attente de votre retour, je vous prie d’agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l’expression de mes salutations distinguées. Fanny Telmosse