Defying Definition: Art in Videogames at the Musée Art Ludique in Paris

Defying Definition: Art in Videogames at the Musée Art Ludique in Paris

To debate whether or not a digital painting is ‘real’ art is so last century. Jean-Jacques Launier, founder of the Art Ludique museum and curator of the exhibition says that, in his eyes, video games embody the “Total Work of Art”, because they require skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, in creating entire universes and hundreds of characters per game, mise en scène work, animation, storyline, music and, taking it all even further, they transcend into interactivity.

This novel exhibition offers a chance to really plunge into the perplexing mire of the creative mind, from pencil sketch to clay model to fully-fledged walking and talking 3D ‘beings’. Through more than 800 spectacular artworks and installations, watercolours, traditional and digital paintings and sculptures, and even animated paintings, the mind-blowing virtuosity of the artists behind the creation of video games is undeniable. Even a gaming agnostic like me was completely transported by the half-pipe screen playing a historical reconstruction that took us on a carriage ride across the cobblestones of Paris in 1789, complete with sounds, gestures, citizens building barricades, others going about their business, barely noticing. So realistic you could almost reach out and tap someone on the shoulder… Pardon, Monsieur, we are time travellers from the 21st century!

Tip: Put your feet up at the rooftop bar of the Cité de la Mode et du Design for a relaxing riverside pause with a fantastic view of the Seine.

Defying Definition: Art in Videogames, until March 6. Musée Art Ludique, Cité de la Mode et du Design,  34, quai d’Austerlitz, Paris 13th. Métro: Gare d’Austerlitz, Quai de la Gare. Open daily 11am-7pm. Wednesday & Thursday 11am-10pm. Saturday & Sunday 10am-10pm. Closed Tuesdays. Admission €15. Tel: +33 1 42 77 51 05.

From France Today magazine

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Sylvia Edwards Davis is a writer and correspondent based in France with a focus on business and culture. A member of the France Media editorial team, Sylvia scans the cultural landscape to bring you the most relevant highlights on current events, art exhibitions, museums and festivals.

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