French Fromage: Top 3 Cheeses from Auvergne

Calling all fromage fans. From a creamy blue to crumbly crowd-pleasers, these stinkers are sure to liven up your next cheese platter.
A real treat for consummate turophiles, this fromage is pretty hard to come by beyond Auvergne’s volcanic ridge. Worth cutting into those air miles.

Bleu d’Auvergne cheese
This creamy number is quite the stinker. But don’t let the wet-sock pong put you off. The centrepiece of any cheese platter, the ubiquitous blue is to the French what Stilton is to Brits.

Cantal cheese
One of France’s oldest cheeses (it was first mentioned by Pliny the Elder in the 1st century!) Cantal is named after the region’s iconic massif. Think mature cheddar with a nutty tang. Miam!
From France Today magazine
Related articles: French Fromage: Mity Mimolette
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