Parallels by Paris Musées: 10 Instagrammers Reinterpret Famous Artworks

Parallels by Paris Musées: 10 Instagrammers Reinterpret Famous Artworks
Amedeo MODIGLIANI (1884-1920). Femme aux yeux bleus. Huile sur toile, vers 1918. Paris, musée d'Art moderne. © Musée d'Art Moderne / RogerViollet

Amedeo MODIGLIANI (1884-1920). Femme aux
yeux bleus. Huile sur toile, vers 1918. Paris, musée
d’Art moderne. © Musée d’Art Moderne / RogerViollet

Paris Musées has launched an innovative online platform which highlights the stunning collections held in Paris’s municipal museums, with works accessible digitally to anyone worldwide. This has opened up the unique collections like never before.

To celebrate the launch of the website, Paris Musées’ Parallels projects brings together 10 Instagram stars celebrated for their roles as photographers, fashion bloggers and comedy You-Tubers. The projects sees 10 classic artworks re-invented by the Instagrammers in their own unique style. The new works express an affinity with the originals whilst adding contemporary twists. All of the re-imagined works were published to the social media platform Instagram, opening up the project to a wide audience of smart phone users with an passion for art and images.

by @pomverte

by @pomverte

The fun, contemporary re-imaginings viewed in contrast to the classic works results in fantastic and often comic results. The project will be published online and the collection will also be exhibited in the city’s Gare Saint Lazare rail station from May 11th to July 31st 2016. Visitors are encouraged to create their own remakes of the works, posting them on Instagram with the #ParallelesParisMusées.

You can view the works below.

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