Discover the Grand Cru du Pastis

Henri Bardouin Pastis is crafted from a secret recipe that has been handed down from generation to generation at the Distilleries de Provence. Following the historical tradition, it incorporates a dozen exotic spices, complemented by bountiful local herbs.

Bottle of Pastis Henri Bardouin. © Henri Bardouin
Pastis is the standard aperitif in France, and the No. 1 spirit consumed by French consumers. Henri Bardouin Pastis however, stands out in the category for its complex taste. The 65 herbs and spices incorporated in its recipe are perfectly equilibrated. Star anise, the star ingredient of any true pastis, is dominant but its powerful taste is balanced by manifold notes coming from the other botanicals. Whether spicy, herbaceous, or floral, each of them contributes to the final equilibrium. Loyal to its Provençal soil, HB pastis benefits from the unique terroir of Upper Provence – the sunny and windy weather – and also from the 124 years of savoir-faire of Distilleries de Provence.

nouvel alambic © Henri Bardouin
HB Pastis can be enjoyed in the traditional manner, diluting two ounces of HB Pastis with 6 ounces of cold water in a tall glass. This method will release all the flavours and aromas. As the water and Pastis mix and the liquid clouds, the secret of HB Pastis is revealed! One sip and you will know why HB Pastis is referred to as the “Grand Cru du Pastis”.
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